James Wylde

I'm James, based in the UK, working with Azure Stack at Microsoft. I'm a fan of all things tech but especially interested in the cloud, hyperconverged infrastructure, automation and Linux.

You can find my GitHub below with some of my more recent projects.

jameswylde - Overview
jameswylde has 8 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.


Webapp built with Python's Flask and OpenAI modules that serves as a chat interface with OpenAI's ChatGPT - dockerised for easy deployment. Built for mobile use (prior to OpenAI releasing their ChatGPT app) initially.

GitHub - jameswylde/openai-chatgpt-docker-container: Webapp utilising python’s Flask and OpenAI module to provide a simple chat interface; able to choose between different API models (gpt-4,gpt-3.5-turbo), refresh, dark mode and code block formatting and one click copy to clipboard.
Webapp utilising python's Flask and OpenAI module to provide a simple chat interface; able to choose between different API models (gpt-4,gpt-3.5-turbo), refresh, dark mode and code block format…


Bash script built for pulling diagnostic information from a Linux box - think sosreport (captures the same logs) but also collects performance data via. iostat, sar and top. Optionally uploads to Azure workspace once done, providing SASURI.

GitHub - jameswylde/linux-diagnostics: Bash script to pull diagnostic information from Linux servers for troubleshooting - optionally uploads to workspace with azcopy
Bash script to pull diagnostic information from Linux servers for troubleshooting - optionally uploads to workspace with azcopy - jameswylde/linux-diagnostics


Python app to provide ChatGPT in your terminal. Either in interactive mode wherein you call genie and you enter the landing page with custom prompts for a honed conversation, or standard conversation. Also, genie is able to accept arguments from the command line for one-off questions rather than conversational prompts, e.g 'genie How do I abandon all local git changes'

GitHub - jameswylde/openai-chatgpt-terminal: Python implementation of OpenAI’s ChatGPT integrated into your shell, interactively or passing questions to it from the terminal - with support for custom prompts for honed responses, switching of API model and changing of model temperature.
Python implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT integrated into your shell, interactively or passing questions to it from the terminal - with support for custom prompts for honed responses, switching…


A one script does all to install Windows Terminal, Powershell 7, winget, glyphed terminal fonts, custom Powershell profile (with modules, Z, PSReadLine, Terminal Icons), oh-my-posh prompt,my omp Microsoft themed prompt and my terminal settings.

GitHub - jameswylde/powershell-windowsterminal-profile: Windows Terminal install, config & theme, Powershell 7 and profile, with Oh-My-Posh installation and Z, PSReadLine, Terminal-Icons modules.
Windows Terminal install, config & theme, Powershell 7 and profile, with Oh-My-Posh installation and Z, PSReadLine, Terminal-Icons modules. - jameswylde/powershell-windowsterminal-profile

*This website is hosted on what is essentially a toaster in my home office - be kind.